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Fortezza da Basso
25-27 September 2024


Technology Expo



Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data. The Programme is managed by the European Commission, which relies on Entrusted Entities for the development of Copernicus components, today identified, in relation to Core Services, in the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), JRC (Global Land and Emergencies services), EEA (Pan-European Land Service, local and in situ), Mercator Ocean (Marine Service) and SatCen, EMSA and Frontex (respectively for the Security Services in support of External Actions, Maritime Surveillance and Border Surveillance). The developments of the Space component are delegated to ESA and EUMETSAT.

The National Copernicus User Forum, established in 2014 and made up of Representatives of national, institutional, commercial and research user communities, is the tool of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers aimed at sharing information regarding the developments of the Copernicus Programme. It aims to coordinate the requirements and needs expressed by national users in order to maximize the use of the products supplied by Copernicus at a Country level and to affect the development of the European Program, user driven by Regulation. It therefore assumes the role of central hub of connection between the various actors who need to integrate services and information related to Earth observation. The Forum is divided into Coordination Tables on specific issues (including Agriculture, Coastal Area, Cultural Heritage, Civil Protection, Transport, Safety and Valorization) as well as the two Networks of the Copernicus Academy and the Relays (public and private bodies that locally promote the Copernicus program).

Earth Technology Expo and its Community participate in the work of the Valorization Table, created in 2019 in order to maximize the participation of the Country's commercial community in the development of both national and European Earth observation capabilities, through the definition of operational monitoring service lines based on new business models. ETE will also support the Copernicus Relays network. Active since the first quarter of 2017, the Copernicus Relays act as local promoters by fostering, in close coordination with the UFN representing the National Relay, the activities related to the Copernicus programme and the advantages and opportunities it offers to different levels of users.

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